Conky is a system monitor that displays on your screen's desktop. It's also very modular. It can display the output of any command line program. You can view RSS feeds by using a the Conky RSS functions, or a separate program or script.
Conky RSS function[]
- Function: rss
- Parameters: url delay_in_minutes action item_num
- Description: Download and parse RSS feeds. Action may be one of the following: feed_title, item_title (with num par), item_desc (with num par) and item_titles.
- Example:
RSS scripts[]
External RSS scripts can easily be run though Conky using the execi function
- A bash script that parses a standard RSS feed
- A Perl script that displays the titles of RSS objects
To add the script to Conky
- Edit: ~/.conkyrc
- Add the following line below the line labeled TEXT
- ${execi 300 /the/scripts/location/scripts_name}
- 300 is the refresh rate in seconds
- ${execi 300 /the/scripts/location/scripts_name}
For an orange motif as shown in the picture add the following lines.
- ${color orange}RSS feed ${hr 2}$color
- ${execi 300 /usr/scripts/}