How To Wiki

To enable auto login on Windows XP follow the following steps:

  • Click Run from the Start Menu,
  • Enter in the box: control userpasswords2
  • Click Ok.
  • Click the user you want to auto login
  • Uncheck Users must enter a user name and password
  • Click Ok.
  • Enter password for that user and its set

Warning: this will enable anyone to open you computer locally and if the user name is administrator they will be able to do anything to windows, malicious or other. This will NOT disable any security through the network, internet, or other remote logins, and will remain the same security as before. So the local computer will be insecure and the people seeing the computer remotely will remain as secure as without auto login.

For other methods

See: Get rid of the windows login screen]

From HowTo Wiki, a Wikia wiki.