How To Wiki

1) While importing FreePCB CAM files into circuit CAM

If you find the package pads shorted out, then change the following settings
Go as usual to Generate CAM files.
In the window that pops up, set the Gerber file dimensions as follows
Copper to copper fill clearance = 1
Hole edge to copper-fill clearance = 1
Leave the rest as it is.

2) When you import the FreePCB generated CAM files "drill" you will initially

find that the drill holes occupy the entire screen and your actual board layout
shrinks to a small size.
Fix : Go to Config --> Format Configuration --> Excellon Tool list.
There change the 3rd row 3rd column number from 3 to 4 by right clicking on that
Change number 3 and then setting into 4 in the window that pops up.