Tkinter is a library for Python, and is not set to install by default in Gentoo Linux. Tkinter is required by a number of programs such as Inkscape.
The way to get tkinter is to set the use flag tk for dev-lang/python:
- Edit /etc/portage/package.use
- Set the USE flag by adding a new line for python:
- dev-lang/python tk
- in the past the flag for Tkinter was tcltk
- dev-lang/python tk
- Recompile python
- emerge --newuse python
* * If you have just upgraded from an older version of python you * will need to run: * * /usr/sbin/python-updater * * This will automatically rebuild all the python dependent modules * to run with python-2.4. * * Your original Python is still installed and can be accessed via * /usr/bin/python2.x. *
- Message from emerge output