List of verbs, commands, used in Inkscape's command line
for more details see: How to use Inkscape in commandline mode
- Verbs
- FileNew: Create new document from the default template
- FileOpen: Open an existing document
- FileRevert: Revert to the last saved version of document (changes will be lost)
- FileSave: Save document
- FileSaveAs: Save document under a new name
- FileSaveACopy: Save a copy of the document under a new name
- FilePrint: Print document
- FileVacuum: Remove unused definitions (such as gradients or clipping paths) from the <defs> of the document
- FilePrintPreview: Preview document printout
- FileImport: Import a bitmap or SVG image into this document
- FileExport: Export this document or a selection as a bitmap image
- FileImportFromOCAL: Import a document from Open Clip Art Library
- FileExportToOCAL: Export this document to Open Clip Art Library
- NextWindow: Switch to the next document window
- PrevWindow: Switch to the previous document window
- FileClose: Close this document window
- FileQuit: Quit Inkscape
- EditUndo: Undo last action
- EditRedo: Do again the last undone action
- EditCut: Cut selection to clipboard
- EditCopy: Copy selection to clipboard
- EditPaste: Paste objects from clipboard to mouse point, or paste text
- EditPasteStyle: Apply the style of the copied object to selection
- EditPasteSize: Scale selection to match the size of the copied object
- EditPasteWidth: Scale selection horizontally to match the width of the copied object
- EditPasteHeight: Scale selection vertically to match the height of the copied object
- EditPasteSizeSeparately: Scale each selected object to match the size of the copied object
- EditPasteWidthSeparately: Scale each selected object horizontally to match the width of the copied object
- EditPasteHeightSeparately: Scale each selected object vertically to match the height of the copied object
- EditPasteInPlace: Paste objects from clipboard to the original location
- EditPasteLivePathEffect: Apply the path effect of the copied object to selection
- EditDelete: Delete selection
- EditDuplicate: Duplicate selected objects
- EditClone: Create a clone (a copy linked to the original) of selected object
- EditUnlinkClone: Cut the selected clone's link to its original, turning it into a standalone object
- EditCloneSelectOriginal: Select the object to which the selected clone is linked
- ObjectsToMarker: Convert selection to a line marker
- ObjectsToGuides: Convert selected objects to a collection of guidelines aligned with their edges
- ObjectsToPattern: Convert selection to a rectangle with tiled pattern fill
- ObjectsFromPattern: Extract objects from a tiled pattern fill
- EditClearAll: Delete all objects from document
- EditSelectAll: Select all objects or all nodes
- EditSelectAllInAllLayers: Select all objects in all visible and unlocked layers
- EditInvert: Invert selection (unselect what is selected and select everything else)
- EditInvertInAllLayers: Invert selection in all visible and unlocked layers
- EditSelectNext: Select next object or node
- EditSelectPrev: Select previous object or node
- EditDeselect: Deselect any selected objects or nodes
- EditNextPathEffectParameter: Show next Path Effect parameter for editing
- SelectionToFront: Raise selection to top
- SelectionToBack: Lower selection to bottom
- SelectionRaise: Raise selection one step
- SelectionLower: Lower selection one step
- SelectionGroup: Group selected objects
- SelectionUnGroup: Ungroup selected groups
- SelectionTextToPath: Put text on path
- SelectionTextFromPath: Remove text from path
- SelectionTextRemoveKerns: Remove all manual kerns and glyph rotations from a text object
- SelectionUnion: Create union of selected paths
- SelectionIntersect: Create intersection of selected paths
- SelectionDiff: Create difference of selected paths (bottom minus top)
- SelectionSymDiff: Create exclusive OR of selected paths (those parts that belong to only one path)
- SelectionDivide: Cut the bottom path into pieces
- SelectionCutPath: Cut the bottom path's stroke into pieces, removing fill
- SelectionOffset: Outset selected paths
- SelectionOffsetScreen: Outset selected paths by 1 px
- SelectionOffsetScreen10: Outset selected paths by 10 px
- SelectionInset: Inset selected paths
- SelectionInsetScreen: Inset selected paths by 1 px
- SelectionInsetScreen10: Inset selected paths by 10 px
- SelectionDynOffset: Create a dynamic offset object
- SelectionLinkedOffset: Create a dynamic offset object linked to the original path
- StrokeToPath: Convert selected object's stroke to paths
- SelectionSimplify: Simplify selected paths (remove extra nodes)
- SelectionReverse: Reverse the direction of selected paths (useful for flipping markers)
- SelectionTrace: Create one or more paths from a bitmap by tracing it
- SelectionCreateBitmap: Export selection to a bitmap and insert it into document
- SelectionCombine: Combine several paths into one
- SelectionBreakApart: Break selected paths into subpaths
- DialogGridArrange: Arrange selected objects in a table
- LayerNew: Create a new layer
- LayerRename: Rename the current layer
- LayerNext: Switch to the layer above the current
- LayerPrev: Switch to the layer below the current
- LayerMoveToNext: Move selection to the layer above the current
- LayerMoveToPrev: Move selection to the layer below the current
- LayerToTop: Raise the current layer to the top
- LayerToBottom: Lower the current layer to the bottom
- LayerRaise: Raise the current layer
- LayerLower: Lower the current layer
- LayerDelete: Delete the current layer
- ObjectRotate90: Rotate selection 90° clockwise
- ObjectRotate90CCW: Rotate selection 90° counter-clockwise
- ObjectRemoveTransform: Remove transformations from object
- ObjectToPath: Convert selected object to path
- ObjectFlowText: Put text into a frame (path or shape), creating a flowed text linked to the frame object
- ObjectUnFlowText: Remove text from frame (creates a single-line text object)
- ObjectFlowtextToText: Convert flowed text to regular text object (preserves appearance)
- ObjectFlipHorizontally: Flip selected objects horizontally
- ObjectFlipVertically: Flip selected objects vertically
- ObjectSetMask: Apply mask to selection (using the topmost object as mask)
- ObjectUnSetMask: Remove mask from selection
- ObjectSetClipPath: Apply clipping path to selection (using the topmost object as clipping path)
- ObjectUnSetClipPath: Remove clipping path from selection
- ToolSelector: Select and transform objects
- ToolNode: Edit paths by nodes
- ToolTweak: Tweak objects by sculpting or painting
- ToolRect: Create rectangles and squares
- Tool3DBox: Create 3D boxes
- ToolArc: Create circles, ellipses, and arcs
- ToolStar: Create stars and polygons
- ToolSpiral: Create spirals
- ToolPencil: Draw freehand lines
- ToolPen: Draw Bézier curves and straight lines
- ToolCalligraphic: Draw calligraphic or brush strokes
- ToolText: Create and edit text objects
- ToolGradient: Create and edit gradients
- ToolZoom: Zoom in or out
- ToolDropper: Pick colors from image
- ToolConnector: Create diagram connectors
- ToolPaintBucket: Fill bounded areas
- SelectPrefs: Open Preferences for the Selector tool
- NodePrefs: Open Preferences for the Node tool
- TweakPrefs: Open Preferences for the Tweak tool
- RectPrefs: Open Preferences for the Rectangle tool
- 3DBoxPrefs: Open Preferences for the 3D Box tool
- ArcPrefs: Open Preferences for the Ellipse tool
- StarPrefs: Open Preferences for the Star tool
- SpiralPrefs: Open Preferences for the Spiral tool
- PencilPrefs: Open Preferences for the Pencil tool
- PenPrefs: Open Preferences for the Pen tool
- CalligraphicPrefs: Open Preferences for the Calligraphy tool
- TextPrefs: Open Preferences for the Text tool
- GradientPrefs: Open Preferences for the Gradient tool
- ZoomPrefs: Open Preferences for the Zoom tool
- DropperPrefs: Open Preferences for the Dropper tool
- ConnectorPrefs: Open Preferences for the Connector tool
- PaintBucketPrefs: Open Preferences for the Paint Bucket tool
- ZoomIn: Zoom in
- ZoomOut: Zoom out
- ToggleRulers: Show or hide the canvas rulers
- ToggleScrollbars: Show or hide the canvas scrollbars
- ToggleGrid: Show or hide the grid
- ToggleGuides: Show or hide guides (drag from a ruler to create a guide)
- ToggleSnapping: Toggle snapping on or off
- ZoomNext: Next zoom (from the history of zooms)
- ZoomPrev: Previous zoom (from the history of zooms)
- Zoom1:0: Zoom to 1:1
- Zoom1:2: Zoom to 1:2
- Zoom2:1: Zoom to 2:1
- FullScreen: Stretch this document window to full screen
- ViewNew: Open a new window with the same document
- ViewNewPreview: New View Preview
- ViewModeNormal: Switch to normal display mode
- ViewModeOutline: Switch to outline (wireframe) display mode
- ViewModeToggle: Toggle between normal and outline display modes
- ViewCmsToggle: Toggle color-managed display for this document window
- ViewIconPreview: Open a window to preview objects at different icon resolutions
- ZoomPage: Zoom to fit page in window
- ZoomPageWidth: Zoom to fit page width in window
- ZoomDrawing: Zoom to fit drawing in window
- ZoomSelection: Zoom to fit selection in window
- DialogPreferences: Edit global Inkscape preferences
- DialogDocumentProperties: Edit properties of this document (to be saved with the document)
- DialogMetadata: Edit document metadata (to be saved with the document)
- DialogFillStroke: Edit objects' colors, gradients, stroke width, arrowheads, dash patterns...
- DialogSwatches: Select colors from a swatches palette
- DialogTransform: Precisely control objects' transformations
- DialogAlignDistribute: Align and distribute objects
- DialogUndoHistory: Undo History
- DialogText: View and select font family, font size and other text properties
- DialogXMLEditor: View and edit the XML tree of the document
- DialogFind: Find objects in document
- DialogDebug: View debug messages
- DialogScript: Run scripts
- DialogsToggle: Show or hide all open dialogs
- DialogClonetiler: Create multiple clones of selected object, arranging them into a pattern or scattering
- DialogObjectProperties: Edit the ID, locked and visible status, and other object properties
- DialogInput: Configure extended input devices, such as a graphics tablet
- org.inkscape.dialogs.extensioneditor: Query information about extensions
- DialogLayers: View Layers
- DialogLivePathEffect: Manage path effects
- DialogFilterEffects: Manage SVG filter effects
- HelpAboutExtensions: Information on Inkscape extensions
- HelpAboutMemory: Memory usage information
- HelpAbout: Inkscape version, authors, license
- TutorialsBasic: Getting started with Inkscape
- TutorialsShapes: Using shape tools to create and edit shapes
- TutorialsAdvanced: Advanced Inkscape topics
- TutorialsTracing: Using bitmap tracing
- TutorialsCalligraphy: Using the Calligraphy pen tool
- TutorialsDesign: Principles of design in the tutorial form
- TutorialsTips: Miscellaneous tips and tricks
- EffectLast: Repeat the last effect with the same settings
- EffectLastPref: Repeat the last effect with new settings
- FitCanvasToSelection: Fit the page to the current selection
- FitCanvasToDrawing: Fit the page to the drawing
- FitCanvasToSelectionOrDrawing: Fit the page to the current selection or the drawing if there is no selection
- UnlockAll: Unlock all objects in the current layer
- UnlockAllInAllLayers: Unlock all objects in all layers
- UnhideAll: Unhide all objects in the current layer
- UnhideAllInAllLayers: Unhide all objects in all layers
- org.inkscape.effect.bluredge: Inset/Outset Halo...
- org.inkscape.effect.bluredge.noprefs: Inset/Outset Halo (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.effect.grid: Draw a path which is a grid
- org.inkscape.effect.grid.noprefs: Grid (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.text.lowercase: lowercase
- org.inkscape.text.lowercase.noprefs: lowercase (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.spirograph: Spirograph...
- org.ekips.filter.spirograph.noprefs: Spirograph (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.gears: Gear...
- org.ekips.filter.gears.noprefs: Gear (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.whirl: Whirl...
- org.ekips.filter.whirl.noprefs: Whirl (No preferences)
- math.univ-lille1.barraud.pathdeform: Pattern along Path...
- math.univ-lille1.barraud.pathdeform.noprefs: Pattern along Path (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.lesshue: Less Hue
- org.inkscape.color.lesshue.noprefs: Less Hue (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.morehue: More Hue
- org.inkscape.color.morehue.noprefs: More Hue (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.lesslight: Less Light
- org.inkscape.color.lesslight.noprefs: Less Light (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.radiusrand: Jitter nodes...
- org.ekips.filter.radiusrand.noprefs: Jitter nodes (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.effect.randompos: Random Position
- org.inkscape.effect.randompos.noprefs: Random Position (No preferences)
- com.kaioa.lorem_ipsum: Lorem ipsum...
- com.kaioa.lorem_ipsum.noprefs: Lorem ipsum (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.text.uppercase: UPPERCASE
- org.inkscape.text.uppercase.noprefs: UPPERCASE (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.removegreen: Remove Green
- org.inkscape.color.removegreen.noprefs: Remove Green (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.embedimage: Embed All Images...
- org.ekips.filter.embedimage.noprefs: Embed All Images (No preferences)
- org.greygreen.inkscape.effects.edge3d: Edge 3D...
- org.greygreen.inkscape.effects.edge3d.noprefs: Edge 3D (No preferences)
- Keys and Mouse Reference
- Keys and Mouse Reference (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.render.barcode: Barcode...
- org.inkscape.render.barcode.noprefs: Barcode (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.flatten: Flatten Béziers...
- org.ekips.filter.flatten.noprefs: Flatten Béziers (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.lesssaturation: Less Saturation
- org.inkscape.color.lesssaturation.noprefs: Less Saturation (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.morelight: More Light
- org.inkscape.color.morelight.noprefs: More Light (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.effect.eqtexsvg: LaTeX formula...
- org.inkscape.effect.eqtexsvg.noprefs: LaTeX formula (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.randomize: Randomize...
- org.inkscape.color.randomize.noprefs: Randomize (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.fractalize: Fractalize...
- org.ekips.filter.fractalize.noprefs: Fractalize (No preferences)
- Report a Bug
- Report a Bug (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.motion: Extrude...
- org.ekips.filter.motion.noprefs: Extrude (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.removered: Remove Red
- org.inkscape.color.removered.noprefs: Remove Red (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.turtle.lindenmayer: L-system...
- org.ekips.filter.turtle.lindenmayer.noprefs: L-system (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.grayscale: Grayscale
- org.inkscape.color.grayscale.noprefs: Grayscale (No preferences)
- SVG 1.1 Specification
- SVG 1.1 Specification (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.text.sentencecase: Sentence case
- org.inkscape.text.sentencecase.noprefs: Sentence case (No preferences)
- com.njhurst.filter.measure_length: Measure Path...
- com.njhurst.filter.measure_length.noprefs: Measure Path (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.custom: Custom......
- org.inkscape.color.custom.noprefs: Custom... (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.dots: Number Nodes...
- org.ekips.filter.dots.noprefs: Number Nodes (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.text.replacetext: Replace text......
- org.inkscape.text.replacetext.noprefs: Replace text... (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.interp: Interpolate...
- org.ekips.filter.interp.noprefs: Interpolate (No preferences)
- Ask Us a Question
- Ask Us a Question (No preferences)
- math.univ-lille1.barraud.spherify: Rubber Stretch...
- math.univ-lille1.barraud.spherify.noprefs: Rubber Stretch (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.desaturate: Desaturate
- org.inkscape.color.desaturate.noprefs: Desaturate (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.markers.strokepaint: Color Markers to Match Stroke
- org.ekips.filter.markers.strokepaint.noprefs: Color Markers to Match Stroke (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.text.flipcase: fLIP cASE
- org.inkscape.text.flipcase.noprefs: fLIP cASE (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.moresaturation: More Saturation
- org.inkscape.color.moresaturation.noprefs: More Saturation (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.negative: Negative
- org.inkscape.color.negative.noprefs: Negative (No preferences)
- FAQ (No preferences)
- New in This Version
- New in This Version (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.effect.funcplot: Function Plotter...
- org.inkscape.effect.funcplot.noprefs: Function Plotter (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.text.titlecase: Title Case
- org.inkscape.text.titlecase.noprefs: Title Case (No preferences)
- Inkscape Manual
- Inkscape Manual (No preferences)
- Command Line Options
- Command Line Options (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.addnodes: Add Nodes...
- org.ekips.filter.addnodes.noprefs: Add Nodes (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.straightseg: Straighten Segments...
- org.ekips.filter.straightseg.noprefs: Straighten Segments (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.perspective: Perspective
- org.ekips.filter.perspective.noprefs: Perspective (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.turtle.rtree: Random Tree...
- org.ekips.filter.turtle.rtree.noprefs: Random Tree (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.darker: Darker
- org.inkscape.color.darker.noprefs: Darker (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.handles: Draw Handles
- org.ekips.filter.handles.noprefs: Draw Handles (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.effect.randompnt: Random Point
- org.inkscape.effect.randompnt.noprefs: Random Point (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.rgbbarrel: RGB Barrel
- org.inkscape.color.rgbbarrel.noprefs: RGB Barrel (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.extractimage: Extract One Image...
- org.ekips.filter.extractimage.noprefs: Extract One Image (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.replacecolor: Replace color......
- org.inkscape.color.replacecolor.noprefs: Replace color... (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.removeblue: Remove Blue
- org.inkscape.color.removeblue.noprefs: Remove Blue (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.color.brighter: Brighter
- org.inkscape.color.brighter.noprefs: Brighter (No preferences)
- se.lewerin.filter.dimension: Dimensions...
- se.lewerin.filter.dimension.noprefs: Dimensions (No preferences)
- org.ekips.filter.summersnight: Envelope
- org.ekips.filter.summersnight.noprefs: Envelope (No preferences)
- org.inkscape.text.randomcase: rANdOm CasE
- org.inkscape.text.randomcase.noprefs: rANdOm CasE (No preferences)
- org.coswellproductions.inkscape.effects.perfectboundcover: Perfect-Bound Cover...
- org.coswellproductions.inkscape.effects.perfectboundcover.noprefs: Perfect-Bound Cover (No preferences)